Return Policy

    We hope that you're happy with your purchase. If for any reason you are unsatisfied and would like to return it, we will gladly accept your item(s) for a refund provided a return request is submitted via our return portal within 7 business days of it being delivered to you. After 7 days, any return requests through our return portal will receive a store credit up until 14 days of delivery date. Return shipping labels will be subjected to a flat rate shipping fee of $7.95. You can also choose to use your own shipping label and return to:

    Trio Child 

    PO Box 664

    Tallman New York 10982-7500

    If the customer keeps less than the free minimum shipping worth of merchandise ($100) from the order, we will deduct the original shipping fee of $7.95 from your refund.

    All items bought on sale are not returnable and are final sale.

    All discounted purchases at a rate of 20% are to be considered final sale and may not be returned or exchanged.

    To be eligible for a return, the item(s) must be folded in its original packaging, unworn, and with the original tags still intact. Return authorization is required.

    You may request a return shipping label by accessing your account and selecting the order you wish to return. 

    We do not accept exchanges at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.